Saturday, 24 November 2007

Soups and Cake!

J is on a diet. He went to see the doctor this week as he needed a new prescription for his asthma drugs. She commented that he could do with losing some weight. He isn't fat per se but he probably could do with losing a bit. He will never be a skinny minny - he hasn't got the frame for it! So he is calorie counting and trying to cut out all the sugary treats. I am doing my bit by making soups each night - we both like soups (shame I can't tempt the children - have tried on many occasions to no avail!), they are easy to make and fairly good on the calorie front (especially if I don't add cream!!). Tonight it is going to be a veggie and bean broth - no recipe just a bit of chuck in and see!

However I am also at the moment baking a spiced pear cake - I just felt like baking and am tired of always doing chocolate cakes - plus I had just bought a load of pears. It is in the oven as I speak and it smells lovely! J will just have to resist! Or hope that the children eat it quickly!!

Thursday, 22 November 2007


I have already mentioned that O's reading has come on so quickly - and daily I am staggered by how much he has progressed. Over the weekend he actually read a book (albeit it a very short one!) and tonight he went through his homework so quickly - it seems to becoming more and more instinctive! I am so proud of him - he works so hard at school. He was so chuffed tonight as he got a reply to his letter to father cristmas. It was just a pre-printed standard thingy but he was happy!

I have just ordered him an elf costume - last year he got a Santa costume which I wrapped in brown paper, addressed and put it in our mail box. When he found it he was so amazed. i figure this could be his last year believing so I am gong all out to make it special! I have also ordered F an angel costume so she isn't left out. I just home they arrive in time - we have sent them to a colleague of J's who lives in the UK and he will bring them over (he is here every week!)

I also went out and bought crackers today - Trauffault the garden centre sells them. Christmas isn't Christmas without them!

Monday, 12 November 2007


O is a demon jigsaw puzzler - has been since he was about 18m old. He seems to have an eye for the right shape. F, on the other hand, had never seemed bothered. She was always more interested in throwing the jigsaw pieces all over the play. Until last week that is! For her birthday she got three Dora puzzles. Have I ever said how obsessed she is by Dora. The really funny thing is though that she is not that bothered about watching her! Anyway - to get back to the point - suddenly she is doing these 20 piece puzzles on her own with ease! Me thinks I need to try to find one that is a bit more challenging while she is enjoying doing them!

Completely off subject too I have to say how blown away we were by F's work book from school - in a short 2 months she is coming on in leaps and bounds. Not bad for a little girl who went into petite section with very little French!

Saturday, 10 November 2007

Letter to father Christmas

Christmas has to be O's favourite time of the year - he just loves all aspects of it - from the reason why there is Christmas to the decorations to the gift giving and receiving and best of all - to Father Christmas.

J and I figure this may be the last year he actually believes in F.C. Last night he decided that he really did have to write his letter to father christmas. The list thankfully was not that long! He is actually not very materialistic and would be happy with whatever he received! I addressed the envelope to:

Pere Noel
Le Pole Nord

and we took it to the post office this morning! I had no idea of what the system is here (you would have thought I would know after 10 years!) The guy behind the desk took it from O and just stanped it - no money was exchanged! Hopefully a reply will be forthcoming - O would just be so excited!