Sunday, 16 October 2005

The weekend is almost over!

And today has been a really good day!

I spent the morning making two lasagnes and a chocolate gateau for lunch. Our friends arrived early (so by that alone you would know they were not French - who are reknown for always being late!!). They have two girls aged 5 and 7. They bought a Dora doll for O - it was one of theirs that they had grown out of. O was thrilled - as was F who was very partial to it.

Lunch was good - the cake was a big success. the three older children went into the garden to play and we effectively didn't see them again till 5.30pm! What bliss. Milestone for F today - she waved bye bye - too cute!

The weather has been glorious too - t-shirt warmth! I hope it lasts! That is one thing I love about being here - the weather is so much better! And us Brits are so obsessed about that subject - we can talk about it for hours (well perhaps not hours!)

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