Thursday, 24 November 2005


Winter certainly is here! The weather people reckon it will be a very cold winter. I don't have a problem with that as such! It is those grey wet winters that I hate! Today it is grey - after having been sunny for the last few days! Oh well - the washing WILL get dry somehow!

Got a roasted tomato sauce cooking in the oven - actually isn't a sauce yet until I whizz it but you know what I mean! Since discovering this way of making a tomato sauce I have to admit to rarely buying tinned tomatoes anymore! It is so easy and so devine! I am hoping that F cooperates and eats it tonight. She is starting to be picky! I shouldn't complain but I will admit it is the ONE thing that does get me wound up. I worry about her not eating. Was the same with O. Don't gewt me wrong - i would never force her to have something she doesn't like but I do get frustrated - especially when it is something she previously liked! I try the experimenting meals at lunch time! Today we are having spinach and pumpkin curry with a popadom. See how she goes with that!!!

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