Thursday, 22 November 2007


I have already mentioned that O's reading has come on so quickly - and daily I am staggered by how much he has progressed. Over the weekend he actually read a book (albeit it a very short one!) and tonight he went through his homework so quickly - it seems to becoming more and more instinctive! I am so proud of him - he works so hard at school. He was so chuffed tonight as he got a reply to his letter to father cristmas. It was just a pre-printed standard thingy but he was happy!

I have just ordered him an elf costume - last year he got a Santa costume which I wrapped in brown paper, addressed and put it in our mail box. When he found it he was so amazed. i figure this could be his last year believing so I am gong all out to make it special! I have also ordered F an angel costume so she isn't left out. I just home they arrive in time - we have sent them to a colleague of J's who lives in the UK and he will bring them over (he is here every week!)

I also went out and bought crackers today - Trauffault the garden centre sells them. Christmas isn't Christmas without them!

1 comment:

Robin said...

WTG O, what a star! It's so exciting when they learn to read.

The costumes sound adorable. The crackers threw me for a loop though. I couldn't figure out why you were buying crackers (i.e. to serve with cheese as hors d'ouevres) in a garden store. Took me a minute to finally work it out LOL...