Tuesday, 11 December 2007

It's a wrap!

I am sure I am not alone in that I am the sole wrapper in the household. Admittedly J would help (and he does wrap my presents!) but (a) he isn't very good at it, (b) he doesn't like doing it and (c) he is rarely here when the children aren't (and due to O's habit of suddenly getting up for no reason when not expected it is hard to do it at night!) So today's objective was to rap the rest of the gifts - and with a little bit of organisation I had it all done in 2 hours! Yay me!

And my handy tip for wrapping - wrap each child's gifts in the different paper (this year green snowflakes for O and Dora for F) which means no labels are required!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Well done Mel, and in plenty of time too.

I hate wrapping. Thankfully all stores here wrap as part of their service, so I almost never need to do it :).