Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Gadgets I didn't know I couldn't live without!!

There aren't that many gadgets that I really really need but I got one recently (not by design but it just came with the car!!) that I can really see the benefit of! What is it - the bluetooth. When J said it was in the new car I was not really impressed - being that I don't really use my mobile phone that much (another gadget I could almost live without - except that it is a means of the children's school getting in touch with me in an emergency!!)! However, it is really useful. Before I leave work I can call and chat to J or friends, and I can actually take any calls (before I would obviously leave them!!) Probably not essential but I am getting very used to it - and not in a good way!!

What gadgets would you not like to give up!!?


Robin said...

My stick blender!

Mel said...

I am totally with you on that - mine is used so often that I am on my second one!!

Robin said...

Mine's a Bosch and I'm so pleased with it - years of hard work and still going strong :).