Monday, 12 December 2005

St Lucia

Tomorrow O's school is celebrating St Lucia - a Swedish holiday as one of his teacher's is half Swedish. This is what one website had to say about the holiday:

Throughout Sweden the feast day of Lucia, or Lucy, is celebrated as a festival of lights. In the early hours of the morning of December 13 a young woman, dressed in a white gown, and wearing a red sash and a crown of lingonberry twigs and blazing candles, would go from one farm to the next carrying a torch to light her way, bringing baked goods, stopping to visit at each house and returning home by break of day. Every village had its own Lucia. The custom is thought to have begun in some of the richer farming districts of Sweden and still persists although the crowns are now electric lights.
In Norway and Sweden it is still a custom on December 13 for a girl in a white dress (representing the Saint), to bring a tray of saffron buns and steaming coffee to wake the family. She is called the Lussibrud (Lucy bride) and her pastry (saffron buns) is Lussekattor (recipe and photo). Today many families have a Lucia-Queen in their own home, often the youngest daughter, who wakes the rest of the family with song.
Lucia symbolizes light and growth for human and beast as she emerges out of the darkness. She is said to have been beheaded by the sword during the persecutions of Diocletian at Catania in Sicily. Her body was later brought to Constantinople and finally to Venice, where she is now resting in the church of Santa Lucia. Because her name means "light" she very early became the great patron saint for the "light of the body"--the eyes. Many of the ancient light and fire customs of the Yuletide became associated with her day. Thus we find "Lucy candles" lighted in the homes and "Lucy fires" burned in the outdoors. Before the Reformation Saint Lucy's Day was one of unusual celebration and festivity because, for the people of Sweden and Norway, she was the great "light saint" who turned the tides of their long winter and brought the light of the day to renewed victory.
Before the calendar reform, her original feast day (the day of her martyrdom) happened to fall on the shortest day of the year. The winter solstice was December 13 by the Julian calendar rather than December 21, which it became with the change to the Gregorian calendar in the 1300s, linking it with the far older Yule and Winter festivals of pre-Christian times. Lucy's lore survived the Reformation and calendar reform, which brought the solstice to December 23.
Another Scandianavian custom was for children, on the eve of December 13, to write the word "Lussi" on doors, fences, and walls. In ancient times the purpose of this practice was to announce to the demons of winter that their reign was broken on Saint Lucy's Day, that the sun would return again and the days become longer. "Lucy fires" used to be burned in many parts of northern Europe on December 13. Into the bonfires people would throw incense, and while the flames rose, trumpets and flutes were playing to celebrate the changing of the suns's course.
I have made O a point hat with gold stars and a gold starred wand. He will also wear one of my white t-shirts. It is a shame because the parents don't get to see what they do - and O being O won't tell us much!!!

An update

Of sorts!

It has been busy (well as busy as life ever gets for me as a SAHM!) I am gearing up for Christmas - presents are all bought! Now they just need wrapping - which will be a job in itself! I have no idea about Christmas dinner - we don't eat meat so I need to decide if we will have fish or a veggie option. Thinking about doing an onion tart! Different!

The children are great! O and I went to see "Chicken Little" at the cinema. O was a little scared in places (didn't like the aliens) but he wanted to stay and was happy to sit on my lap and cuddle up to me! He loved the Mummy time - bit of a Mummy's boy!

F is also doing well. Still not walking but she can climb anything! She is now standing hands free but not for too long! I don't worry about it - she will do it when she is good and ready! She is such a happy little camper - always smiling and giggling!

I am doing pretty well too. Get a bit overwhelmed at times but overall feeling fairly good.

It has been too long!

I always keep meaning to update but don't! I know I should - what is the point in having a blog if I never write in it (not that i think anybody actually reads it - my life is much too dull!)

Friday, 2 December 2005

It has been a while!

Bad me!! I come online every day but as not a lot happens I don't think to post!

This week we have had a friend's 14 year old son stay with us as he is doing work experience at the company J works for. So before he came I did an enormous bake - chocolate chip muffins, ginger cookies and maple syrup cookies so that there was enough for him to munch on. Fortunately he eats a good meal at the office so he hasn't eaten us out of house and home as yet!

F and I went to her first ever playgroup this morning. She loved it - especially the little mini trampoline they had in there. the downside is is that it is on the otherside of the city - so a good 30min drive. So whether we go again depends on F's wake up time! We had to rush home (she fell asleep in the car) and then I gave her an early lunch and then she went back to bed. She has fallen asleep again thankfully - or else she would be so grumpy!

O is so very excited - the advent calendars have arrived! This year he seems to understand the concept much much better! And it is doing wonders for his number recognition!! He also get's to open F's (she only has one because I bought one and my mum bought one!!) but he does hers in the evening whereas he opens his in the morning!

So now it is December better get working on Christmas!!

Friday, 25 November 2005

The weekend rolls round again

It seems to have flown by this week. I guess hardly seeing J has helped in that respect! Even O complained last night that I was doing the bath again (usually it is J) so J decided to go pick O up from school today. This is great as it means I can take F out and not have to watch the clock all the time. Still undecided where to go - need to go to the grocery store at the very least. I have made a list which does help enormously for me to actually get what I need!

It is miserable here today. It seems to have snowed in a lot of places in Europe but not so here. That is a shame as O would love to make a "bon homme de neige" as he calls snowmen!!! I do miss the snow - when we lived in Munich we had so much of it. Loved it!

Thursday, 24 November 2005


Winter certainly is here! The weather people reckon it will be a very cold winter. I don't have a problem with that as such! It is those grey wet winters that I hate! Today it is grey - after having been sunny for the last few days! Oh well - the washing WILL get dry somehow!

Got a roasted tomato sauce cooking in the oven - actually isn't a sauce yet until I whizz it but you know what I mean! Since discovering this way of making a tomato sauce I have to admit to rarely buying tinned tomatoes anymore! It is so easy and so devine! I am hoping that F cooperates and eats it tonight. She is starting to be picky! I shouldn't complain but I will admit it is the ONE thing that does get me wound up. I worry about her not eating. Was the same with O. Don't gewt me wrong - i would never force her to have something she doesn't like but I do get frustrated - especially when it is something she previously liked! I try the experimenting meals at lunch time! Today we are having spinach and pumpkin curry with a popadom. See how she goes with that!!!

Tuesday, 22 November 2005

What to talk about

This blogging business can be hard! By my very nature I am not a woffler on paper. I find it hard to write lots and lots! It used to be a joke in my lawyering days that my boss and I could write the same letter, have the same details in it but mine would be half a page and his would be four! I am not the same orally - well perhaps I am a little. I am not one for great long stories (and hence not one for telling jokes!!). Perhaps therefore my blog will never have a cult following! not that i really mind - I do this for me. Not for anyone else. Isn't that how it is meant to be!

Friday, 18 November 2005

It's the weekend...

Well almost!

I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do! The weather report is good - cold but blue skies. Perfect Winter weather! I would think that the search for pine cones will continue so that we can make some Christmas decorations. I would also like to go to one particular shop to get some things I need to make the Christmas cards. I really need to get those done as most of them are to be sent abroad and that always takes time! I think if I can get a snowflake cutter I will do a white snowflake on a silver background on either a red or green card. Simple but hopefully it will look nice!

Got J his main Christmas gift online last night - a set of remote headphones. He used his dads when we were there and really liked them! He knows I have got them - no secrets there! Then again I know what he is getting me too! Better that way as we both get what we really really would like! For me it is a Sony bridge digital camera - I love taking photos but our current digital is playing up! The flash takes ages to load.

I have banned O today from asking about Father Christmas - so instead we had 101 questions about Thomas the Tank Engine - not sure which one is worse!!! It is cute though - and he loves it so that is the main thing!

Thursday, 17 November 2005

And so the week continues

It can be quite difficult to write a blog when you don't actually do much!

F's ear infection has improved - and last night she slept through! Long may that continue! She has just started refusing "baby" food (well my homemade baby stews) and wants whatever her big brother has. Dinner was so funny. When we got to dessert she had a yoghurt. But as soon as she saw that O had a fairy cake we had made yesterday she wanted that. So J gave her a tiny piece but she didn't finish it as O moved onto his compote! She wanted the tube it was in so when he had finished O gave it to her and started on HIS yoghurt - which F then wanted. We shouldn't encourage her but it was so cute to see her personality shine through all this!

She really is such a happy little camper. At O's school today she had about 6 adults fawning over her as she played to the audience! A show-off on my hands. Perhaps - but a very cute one at that!!!

Monday, 14 November 2005


Unfortunately I was right - F does have an ear infection - her second. O has never had one so I am not so good at looking for the signs. She has had the first lots of medicines and hopefully will start to feel (and sleep) better soon.

Off to the doctors

F had a hrrendous night last night - up crying for probably half of it. She has a cold and we know she has teeth coming in. After she woke up for the first time we gave her a paracetamol suppo but that didn't seem to help much. So in the next hour we are off to the doctors - I noticed one of her ears looked gunky. She is sleeping now - though there has been the odd groan - poor little mite.

Sunday, 13 November 2005

So we did some painting!

To explain - our house is only 5 years old - and we have lived in it for 2 of those years. While we have pianted all the bedrooms and the mezzanine we haven't tackled anything else - mainly because the living room is double height and therefore a bit daunting.

We decided to paint just one wall - just to give the room some colour. So we picked a moka chocolate brown. It sounds disgusting but it looks devine - it has really made such a difference to the room - a lot more warmth and atmosphere.

I now need to get some motivation to do the kitchen - which is fiddly because of having to do above all the cupboards! Soon - soon!

Autumn is definitely here

After a warm october and beginning of November autumn has appeared. The last day or so it has been grey and damp. I can live with the grey (heck having living in Manchester for the first 25years of my life I am used to that!) but the damp I hate.

Last winter was so very dry - and I liked that. Here's hoping this one will be the same!

Thursday, 10 November 2005

Christmas questions

O has started the non-stop Christmas questions. It is all my fault as I have said to it many times when he has asked when Christmas is that it is after F's birthday - which has just passed. So now on EVERY drive to school I get asked:

Where does Father Christmas live? (but now he knows the answer to this thanks to Bob the Builder!!! - but he still asks me to try to catch me out)

How does he know where I live?

How does he get in the house?

Where do the reindeers land?

How do the reindeers know where to come?

How does he know where the Christmas tree is?

How does he get all the presents in his sleigh?

How does he manage to get to everyone's house?

I am sure there are more but he is just so fascinated by the whole thing - which is so lovely to see.

Tonight he wants to write his letter to father Christmas - might have to give his some guidance as the bulk of his presents have already been bought!


My girl that is - what have I got to look forward to in the future !

This morning I gave F her now standard breakfast - weetabix with milk. She had about 5 spoonfuls and then closed her mouth and turned her head away and refused any more. So I get her out of the highchair and put her on the floor. I go get my breakfast (the same weetabix with the same milk) and sit down on the sofa. F spots me and speed crawls over, pulls herself up and opens her mouth. I give her a tiny bit and she opens her mouth again..... and again... and again. The little monkey ate about half a weetabix - the very same that not 5 minutes before she had refused

I can see some fun and games in the future (though I have to admit that I am known in my family for being EXACTLY the same)

Monday, 7 November 2005

Another week starts!

Time really does seem to whizz by - is that a sign that I am getting old!

I have spent the morning cooking (pumpkin stew for F and homemade cheese macaroni for the rest of us) and am just waiting for the oven to heat up enough to put in some maple syrup cookies.

The weekend was fun. I am not sure that f was very impressed with her birthday party - didn't like the fireworks at ALL and even spat out the chocolate cake I made (how dare she!!!) The rest of us enjoyed it - O was mesmorized by the fireworks and listened well to our instructions not to go too close.

Yesterday we went to our old neighbours for cake and coffee. F was much more impressed and wolfed down a mini pumpkin muffin! O loved the fairy cakes I had made - the little ornaments on the top went down a storm with all the chiildren.

I am currently pondering whether to make my cards for Christmas this year - i did last year and this year I would like to try something a little more adventurous - may be F and I can go to the craft store this afternoon for a look!

Saturday, 5 November 2005

A year ago today...

my little star was born. Here is the story of her birth:

After my third night of disturbed sleep I still woke up without an inkling that F would be born later on.

That soon changed – about half an hour after waking up I started feeling twinges – nothing painful just regular small contractions. I took O to school and when I got back phoned J to tell him to keep his mobile with him.

By 9.45am the contractions were coming every 7 minutes and lasting about a minute. I was easily able to breathe through them but as it was unchartered territory for me I rang the hospital. They told me to come in and get checked out – for peace of mind if nothing else. I rang J and asked him to come home. He arrived 20 minutes later, changed and we left – leaving his parents in charge of picking up O later in the day.

The contractions were getting nearer together and shortly after arriving in hospital I was checked and told that baby would be here that day – already three cm. I was taken to the delivery room where I met the two midwives who would take care of me the whole time – Martine and Nadia. The latter was a 4th year student but I soon felt at ease with her and felt confident about letting her be the primary midwife under the supervision of Martine.

As is normal in France I was hooked up – no walking about here! The contractions were now at every 4 minutes lasting a minute. When I was checked an hour later I had moved to 4-5cm dilated. J was brilliant at helping me breathe through the contractions by telling me to blow out the candles on birthday cakes which he described!

Another hour – and it was getting painful! Contractions every two minutes lasting a minute. It was now about 2pm. When checked I was 9cm – nearly there. But there was a big but. Baby’s head was still not engaged and was turned the wrong way which would make it difficult for her to move into the birth canal. This was deja vu as exactly the same thing had happened with O necessitating a C-section. The difference was that they felt that her signs were good after taking a blood sample from her head and that we had time on our side. But as a c-section was becoming a distinct possibility and the very minimum would be the use of spatulas to turn her I agreed to an epidural. I was tired and the midwives were talking about a 2 hour transition time.

The two hours passed – she was still high but getting reachable. The OB was called – he agreed that I should be prepped to go to the operating room to try to get her out vaginally using spatulas with an end view of the c-section!

So with about 10 people in the theatre the doctor started on turning her – fortunately she did very quickly and less than 5 pushes later, and nearly 4 hours after reaching 10cm dilation, F was born. The wonderful thing was that owing to a bright metal plate holding a light on the ceiling I could see all the “action” – so I actually saw her coming out! Seconds later she was placed on my chest – I couldn’t believe that she was at last here. She weighed a healthy 3.93kg, was 51.5 cm tall with a head circumference of 36.5cm. Her apgars were 10 and 10!!

After all my fears over the birth it was a wonderful experience – and while I wanted to avoid an epidural I was proud of myself for getting to full dilation on my own (well with J’s help)!

Friday, 4 November 2005

Feeling quite emotional

Tomorrow is F's first birthday. It didn't really hit me until last night. I was driving to ToysRUs to buy some fireworks for her party and I passed the hospital where she was born. I started to feel really weepy. I never felt like this with O - perhaps because I knew with O that we would probably (hopefully?) have a second child. Now though I know we are done. This will be my last experience of a first birthday. I also can't believe that a year has passed since she was born. Where does the time go.

I know how very lucky we are to have two such wonderful children. Both are a delight (though i could do without the temper tantrums!!). O is so very caring towards his sister. And F is just a bundle of joy - happy with a laugh that can't fail to cheer you up. I love how she snuggles into me when she is tired, how she turns to search me out and then gives me such a big and happy grin, how she squeals with delight when Daddy comes home, and how she and O interact - long may THAT continue!

Thursday, 3 November 2005


We came back to find that the heating was broken. At least it is in the 70s during the day but the temperature drops like a stone in the evening. The repair man came out yesterday and is coming today to fit a new part. I hope it works as it isn't very warm in the house. I really should go and put a jumper on!

Bad bad me

Ok - not the best start to a blog is it! But I do have a very good excuse which I should have perhaps transmittee BEFORE hand! As it was half term holidays here we went away to my in-laws in Wales for 10 days. We had a wonderful (if wet) time though as always it is so very lovely to be home.

So what did we do while away!

I met up with some cyberfriends in Bristol. It was lovely to see some of them again and to meet one who I hadn't met before. F came with me (as I am still breastfeeding her) and was a little star as always! We all chatted away - at lunch the poor waitressing staff couldn't get a word in edgeways!

I did a load of retail therapy. There were somethings I wanted to get for Christmas - crackers, christmas pudding and an advent calendar for O and then i just like looking at different shops. After my disaster at finding tops here to fit me I did manage to fins NINE in the UK. Poor J had to watch while I tried on about 20 tops in different shops! I also managed to get o some long sleeved tops and F some gorgeous clothes. We went with two bags and came home with four!!

We also had F's first first birthday party. It was lovely - fairly low key with three little boys plus my two. We had a halloween chcolate egg hunt in the garden for the four boys which was a big hit. The highlight for the boys though was climbing the apple tree - typical!

So now we are back and I need really to prepare for F's other birthday party - which I am not hosting but I am helping with (does that make sense?). She was born on November 5th which is Guy Fawkes day in the UK - so it is traditional to have a bonfire and fireworks. We are holding it elsewhere as we can't have a bonfire here. It should be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, 19 October 2005

Ok, so I said...

that I love cooking and that is true. But somedays I can just not find that much inspiration. Especially on Wednesdays when O doesn't have school so I am busy doing things with him. Plus if I ask him what he would like his tastes are very simple - egg on toast, pasta with a tomato and cream sauce - easy stuff. So we had the latter today - and he wolfed it down. Actually it was hardly surprising he wolfed it down as lunch was a bit of an all round disaster. Even I couldn't eat it so we ended up having yoghurt and apples instead! It is very rare that that happens (honestly) but it just goes to show I can't be perfect all the time (yeah right!)

Tuesday, 18 October 2005

One reason I love living here...

is the planes. We live about 10km as the crow flies from the airport and more importantly Airbus (they share the runway). The biggest event this year was the first take off of the new superjumbo - the A280. As usual for these big eveents we were on holiday (but watched avidly on the TV - sad but true). Then by sheer chance we were on the other side of the factory the following week, saw a crowd of people and stopped - just in time to see it take off for its second flight. Amazing. And so very quiet. We have seen it come over the house too. Indeed we get lots of test flights over the house.

From the kitchen window we can see in the distance the planes taking off or coming into land. Cool! We are far awayenough that we get all the joy without all the noise!!

Another exciting day!

It will be a wonder if anyone actually ever gets engrossed in this blog as my life is so run of the mill. I do the same things day in day out. I guess that goes for a lot of SAHM. On school days I have to take and pick up O so that takes two hours out of the day. Then trying to get two naps in for F in the 6 and a half hours that are left can be a challenge! I am looking forward to when she goes down to one midday nap - will make life a little easier! I shouldn't complain though as she is such a good sleeper/napper! Unlike her big brother was at the same age! It is a wonder we ever had a second child!

I have actually been quite productive this morning - two lots of laundry, a grocery shop, making a sweet potato and bean stew for F and a roasted tomato one for the rest of us! F is of course napping (I never come on the computer when she isn't - she is way too much into things!!). It is miserable and grey - I think we will stay in this afternoon (well until we have to pick O up!). I think F gets fed up of being in the car so much. The joys of being the second child!

Monday, 17 October 2005

Another day, another week

The weekend always goes so quickly - then again if I am honest so does the week. Indeed I am still having problems believing that my little girl will soon be one - where did that year go to!

At school this morning I saw one of my friend's little baby boy who is just nine days old. I can't believe that F was ever that small but she was. He was lovely - with a headful of hair. Heck he probably has more hair that F does even now!! It was so lovely to see the baby - and I didn't have any envy pangs! I know our family is complete. F's pregnancy was hard and I really don't want to go through that again. Plus I am not getting any younger!!

So plans for today. Not much really! I have done two loads of laundry but the mist that was here this morning has just lifted to show grey skies! Might have to use the dryer! I have some veggies (parsnips, pumpkin and courgettes) roasting in the oven for F's lunch. After she has eaten I think we might drive over to Toysrus - a bit of a hike but I need some presents and it might be good to see what they have in stock! Dinner is easy tonight - reheated lasagne from yesterday for J and me and I will make a slamon lasagne for O that will aslo do as his lunch at school tomorrow!

Sunday, 16 October 2005

The weekend is almost over!

And today has been a really good day!

I spent the morning making two lasagnes and a chocolate gateau for lunch. Our friends arrived early (so by that alone you would know they were not French - who are reknown for always being late!!). They have two girls aged 5 and 7. They bought a Dora doll for O - it was one of theirs that they had grown out of. O was thrilled - as was F who was very partial to it.

Lunch was good - the cake was a big success. the three older children went into the garden to play and we effectively didn't see them again till 5.30pm! What bliss. Milestone for F today - she waved bye bye - too cute!

The weather has been glorious too - t-shirt warmth! I hope it lasts! That is one thing I love about being here - the weather is so much better! And us Brits are so obsessed about that subject - we can talk about it for hours (well perhaps not hours!)

Saturday, 15 October 2005

Ahhhhhh the weekend

I have had a bit of a cob on me today - not sure why! Poor J has taken the brunt of it. I have days like that.

This evening I went grocery shopping - all on my own. What a luxury! Who would had though pre-children that even wandering round the supermarket in peace would be such a treat!

I got all the things I need for lunch tomorrow - we are having friends over. I am doing two lasagnes - a roasted veg one and a spinach and ricotta cheese with pine nuts one. The first one is an old favourite - the other one is a new recipe. I will make a chocolate fudge cake as dessert!

I am tired so I guess I ought to think about sleep!!!

Friday, 14 October 2005

An unexpected trip to the dentist

So here I was, happily sitting at the computer surfing away, baby asleep again, J picking O up from school, a toffee in my mouth. I swallowed and realised all was not well. My back molar was broken.

Now I HATE the dentist and have been putting off going for the longest time. Now I had no choice. Unfortunately they could see me almost immediately. So I got F up and we went off to the office (after cleaning my teeth of course).

She thinks I lost the crown. I don't think there was a crown there but as we don't have any records - first time to this dentist, I will have to go with her opinion! So we have scheduled an appointment for a few weeks time to fix it.

Now that is something to really look forward to!

How very embarassing!

Oh my - almost had a disaster in a clothes shop today!

I should perhaps first explain that I am not the typical shape for French clothes. Although I am perfectly proportioned (in my eyes!) in that I am 5ft7 (170cm) and 143lbs (65kg) I do have a broad back and owing to breastfeeding my boobs are larger than they would be! I aslo have terrible problems understanding the French sizing! Well this shop sized tops as T1 to T4. I took a size T3 to try on of a top I liked. I got it on OK but could I get it off again? I was almost at the point of going to ask for some help when I managed to remove it - without ripping it!

Needless to say I made a sharp exit!

Almost the weekend...

Though I guess some would say it is always the weekend for me!

It is a cold and miserable day - such a change from last week when it was warm and sunny. I hope we don't end up with am autumn/winter like we did two years ago when it seemed to persistently rain.

As a result of the greyness I don't actually feel motivated to do much (but then again what is new with that!!). I did clean the ceiling in the bathroom this morning. It is strange - our house was really well built except for the fact that the bathroom lacks ventilation. So as J insists on shutting the door (and hence keeping all the hot damp air in there) mould forms on the ceiling above the shower which means I have to bleach it every now and again. Not really a big problem though except for today as I must have spilt some bleach on my top! Looking on the bright side at least it wasn't one of my favourite ones! Other than doing that (oh and one load of laundry - a necessary evil) my undomesticated goddess title is pretty apt today!

Once F is up from her nap and fed we need to go shopping. My MIL told me yesterday that my SIL and her family are going to hers for Christmas - and as were are visiting them next week it would be a good idea to get as many Christmas presents as possible to avoid having to post them (perhaps my blog should be called The Undomesticated Cheapskate Goddess!). I know what to get my two nephews but for my SIL and her hubbie - no idea! Hoping that something jumps out and hits me! No use depending on J for inspiration - heck I have to give him a list for me or I stand no chance!

So that is me for the minute - quite amazing what I can write about absolutely nothing!!

Thursday, 13 October 2005

So my first day as a blogger!

And another usual day in our household - O at school, F at home, and J at work! I did take F to the doctor's today as she still has a rash on her bum. So she was given more cream to hopefully help. The doctor thinks it is related to teething - she is just about to have one cut through (her fifth). She has been quite grumpy all day which is not like her at all.

O was in a strange mood when I picked him up from school. Quite whiny which he usually isn't. He has been having problems getting to sleep so it could be tiredness.

For dinner we had spagetti with roasted tomato sauce followed by warm double chocolate chip mini muffins (after O had first had some fruit!!) The sauce was a new way of doing it and it was good! The muffins were Ok - I have made better! A bit too dense and cakey for my liking!

Well almost bedtime here - J is doing last month's accounts to see how much we were in budget (or not as the case may be!!)

I guess I should introduce myself!


I am not even sure anyone will read this but it is perhaps a nice idea for me to get some thoughts on paper - a record of my life and that of my family!

So details - I am Mel, 37 years old and married to J. We have two children - a boy O who is four and a bit and a little girl F who is almost one. We are British (well we all have a British passport!) but we live in Toulouse in the south west of France. We have been here this time round since February 2003 and are settled here. I can't see us ever moving back to the UK - though never say never!

J works in the aeronautical industry (as most expats here seem to do in one way or another!!) and I am a SAHM. One day I would like to get back to work - what as is a different question and one I should explore in more depth another day! I used to be a lawyer but haven't done that since we left the UK back in the summer of 1996.

What do I like doing? J would probably say as little as possible and that is probably not far from the truth - not that I am lazy per se but I lack the motivation to do much - except baking and cooking in general!! I do love to read - trashy novels being the choice at the moment but I do occasionally read something that is far more intertesting and mind stretching! Though what doesn't immediately spring to mind! Travelling is another of my loves - probably part of the reason we have lived abroad for so long!

Of course my biggest love is my family! J and I have been married for 10 years - how time flies. We have our moments but in general we are very contented with the life we share. O is a sweetheart. He is such a kind and loving little boy. Currently we are having a few issues with being a bad sport but he is getting there! F is the most gorgeous contented little girl ever (not that I am at all biased). Her smile lights up a room. Now she is mobile you can really see her cheeky little personality shine through!

Ok - that will do for starters! Hopefully I will update this as much as I can - and hopefully it won't be too tedious for people to read - then again even if it is - tant pis